Millimeter can Help!

Create the Cities for Tomorrow

1 min readMay 13, 2022

Dear Millimeter Community.
3D Printing and the metaverse might be useful for the creation of cities for tomorrow.

Millimeter is an CAD, E-Data project, and has a metaverse being ready!

3D printed buildings require a fraction of the labor, go up in a fraction of the time, and are more resistant to most forms of damage than conventional buildings. At scale, this autonomous capability could be used to rapidly build refugee structures that could better protect their occupants and eventually rebuild Ukraine to scale from small homes to multi-story buildings.

Using the metaverse, the technology could create and optimize a future vision for building buildings and cities. Application of AI and 3D printing can be used to develop a vision of the country of tomorrow!

Millimeter wishes to help that in line.
Stay alert for Millimeter Island

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Millimeter is a drawing CAD NFT production and trading platform project.