The Rise Of The Metaverse
Millimeter Metaverse
Dear Millimeter Community
Millimeter Island, our Metaverse, is in preparation with JunsMab.

Drawings are made to become NFTs, and ownership and copyright are proved with this NFT. Before constructing based on these CAD NFTs, we create various virtual reality such as buildings, landscapes, and stadiums with metaverses.
Today let’s see how the rise of Metaverse is impacting us!
Metaverse is no longer the setting of a sci-fi epic. The metaverse is becoming as real as the material world. Easily said, metaverse refers to virtual worlds that are designed for humans to interact with, and that world allows people to interact easily as they do in the real world.
While the metaverse is relatively new, it is clear that more industries will adapt metaverse for convenience. E-data will also take part of its future. After all, E-data, constructions and all those related is a huge part of our current world and the metaverse is meant to take it up it to a next level.
Ultimately, the biggest beneficiaries will be that users will be able to see how the constructions will be like before it is actually done!
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